Saturday, October 29, 2005

so not cool

that is: my life will be, if the cold i'm coming down with takes hold this time.

i've been fighting one off for over a month, and it keeps going dormant. but today it reared its ugly head again, and i'm worried. i slept from about 10:30 last night until 12:30 this afternoon, and then again from 5pm - 8:30pm tonight.

i'm hoping the tropical mix jelly bellies i'm eating will help fend off the badness.

but it's upsetting that i have to miss the halloween party i'd been planning on going to tonight. i'd actually been undecided about it for a couple weeks, since j & i haven't been doing much socializing (together, at least) on the weekends -- and i've gotten so used to playing all my invites by ear until the day of.

but today, while i was shopping downtown for carry-on luggage, k called me to tell me that she & Ish went back to their original plan of dressing up like Ike & Tina, and that Ish had found a one-piece gold lame jumpsuit to wear. i mean, that alone would have been worth going out for!!! all i can say is, they better fucking take pictures.


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