Monday, December 12, 2005

please don't get me wrong.

i don't hate christmas. nor do i hate christians. quite the contrary (on both counts).

i am actually quite a bit "in the spirit" this year. on all sorts of levels. i'm enjoying the time of year, the weather, the music, the gift-giving, the cooking and am getting excited to see my family -- especially my bro, who is back in the US from Korea, currently visiting his adorable daughters down south, in the OC.

some of my favorite people are christian. i was one for a while. a lot of my favorite people are catholic. when i grew up, none of this was considered a liability as far as i, or most people i knew, were concerned.

but WTF is going on with some of these people nowadays??? whining, hating, spewing... basically making a *really* bad name for the rest, who are actually good, caring, compassionate and, best of all, know how to mind their own f'ing bidness.


At Tue Dec 13, 09:16:00 AM PST, Blogger dizzy von damn! said...

i agree. just shut up and be happy with what you've got, because it's a hell of a lot more than ALOT of people.

also, i did not know you read my blog!
i feel special, in a non-helmeted, riding the short bus kind of way.

At Tue Dec 13, 09:28:00 AM PST, Blogger riseyp said...

yay miss kendra!! you *are* special :-)

At Tue Dec 13, 07:04:00 PM PST, Blogger Whinger said...

My sister, a Christian, recently had to write into the "Amazing Race" show as she hates how they chose the most annoying people alive to be their Christian representatives.
I told her to take a look at who they choose as their gay couple every year and then we could see who's complaining.
I love it when Christians are actually Christian - loving, forgiving, sweet, etc.
That's all, really.


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