whatta weekend (not quite)
ugh. i've been in bed for 36 hours straight.
i forced myself to go out to J's friend Ian's birthday dinner on Friday nite, a dinner at which we arrived late and were therefore obligated to sit at different tables, and at which i knew only three people out of the entire gathering... not fun when i wasn't feeling well :( fortunately, the people at my table were very nice and we got along perfectly well. but boy, was i ready to head home and crash.
yesterday, i did very little besides sleep the entire day, with the cats serving as furry hot water bottles. j was even sicker than i. and seeing that we were supposed to spend the day doing errands to get ready for a party that i had actually really been looking forward to (as opposed to the dinner on friday), we did not get a single thing done. besides sleeping. no costume making, white elephant finding, bacon-wrapped date broiling, no driving over and pre-partying... none of it. BOOOOO.
at about 9pm, though, i was sick of sleeping and woke up to watch Bad Santa on DVD, which was quite funny. i knitted some of my ribbed pale brown alpaca scarf, as well. and successfully made a felted join, thanks to crazy aunt purl's helpful photo directions!
i woke up this morning to a huge thunderstorm, a leaking bedroom window and two scared kitties. luckily, the storm has subsided somewhat at this point. but, still. eek! the frame of our kitchen window is also starting to rot out. times like these, i actually don't mind not being a homeowner (ok, i do own a condo, but it's 1000 miles away and, therefore, not exactly "home" ;-)
then, I got curious to see what kind of princess i was...
The Traditional Princess
You are generous, graceful, and practical with both
feet planted firmly on the ground. You tend to
be a little on the old-fashioned side. You
value home, hearth, and family life and love to
be of service to others.
Role Models: Snow White, Maid Marian
You are most likely to: Discover a hidden talent
for spinning straw into gold.
What Kind of Princess are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
I am often curious to know what kind of princess I am.
It turns out: Noble Princess.
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