Friday, July 08, 2005

hap'r brifday 2 ME

the title comes courtesy of my sweet lil bro who was found singing it to himself in the tub at the crack of dawn on his 3rd birthday.

this is the card my work buddies gave to me today...

we all went to the ramp and had burgers and fries, the highlight of which was when two of us spilled diet coke all over ourselves in comedically short succession.

the other person actually had a good excuse, as a gust of wind knocked his over. my spillage happened thanks to my very own, wildly gesticulating hands -- as I was telling my colleague david that I would make him an all-mayonnaise dinner for his birthday. this was meant to be a taunt, as he has a bizarre and irrational fear of mayo. but karma caught up with me mid-sentence, as the entire diet coke came tumbling into my lap.

thank god I'm wearing brown today.


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