Tuesday, December 27, 2005

still sad...

well, my brother didn't come up here on the 26th as planned. apparently, he finally got in touch with his new boss in Korea, and they need him to fly back out there sooner than he assumed they did.

my mom called to relay the news first thing that morning. she told me that my dad cried when he heard my brother wasn't going to visit. he hasn't seen my brother in over a year and a half, i think.

my dad's reaction just killed me. i can barely stand to think of him crying. just so sad and awful.

so i wrote my brother an email telling him how much he disappointed us, and how angry I was with him for not planning ahead better; this whole month, he's been driving me crazy with his vague and generally non-committal approach to figuring out how he was going to get up here. the thing that pissed me off the most was knowing that my parents would have been more than happy to drive down to OC to visit him and his kids, had he just given them enough notice.

i still feel terrible about it, even a day and a half later.


At Wed Dec 28, 09:30:00 AM PST, Blogger Whinger said...

Oh that does just suck, and you have the right to be mad.

Sigh. Your poor dad.

At Wed Dec 28, 07:24:00 PM PST, Blogger Keith said...

that's terrible. bad brother of riseyp. he's got a lot of making up to do.


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