Sunday, April 09, 2006

an eventful weekend

Pink and Gray Hat (second ever!)
Originally uploaded by RiseyP.
After I got home from work on Friday, I picked J up and we swung by the Apple Store, as he'd decided to buy his iMac there, despite the higher memory prices. We were going to have dinner downtown afterwards, but he was too excited and had to go straight home to set up his new "putie."

Our friend Richard got here from the airport (he'd flown in from LA) at about 11pm -- just in time for him & J to stay up very very late playing videogames in the front room, while I made progess on this hat.

For the past couple days, I'd been working with some pretty, grayish-green, bulky Wool-Ease but after about 6 attempts, decided I needed to work with a nicer-feel yarn. So I broke out my gray Debbie Bliss chunky merino and things went much better.

Next morning, we puttered around drinking coffee, went to Kate's Kitchen for brunch, and then came home for a nap while R went to the Alternative Press Expo. We woke up at 7pm and I called Dana in a panic, not knowing what time we were supposed to be at her party. The caviar was already out, she told us, so get over there NOW. Woops.

The only problem was that SweetBoy had gotten outside while we were napping and was nowhere to be seen or heard. So that unfortunately cast a bit of a pall over us while trying to enjoy ourselves at the party :( But it was still a nice time. The food and company were top-notch. We had foie gras with figs and sauternes, filet mignon with polenta, lemon cake and handmade chipotle chocolates... mmm!

But we did head out on the early-ish side, and I went out into the backyard (recently cleared out by the landlord - YAY!) with a flashlight, hoping to corral SweetBoy, but to no avail. Kismet even went out there with me, and I was somewhat hopeful as I went to sleep, knowing we could leave the back door open (no rain for the first time in ages!) and that Kismet seemed to be on the case, meowing occasionally to get her little brother to come back home.

An hour later, J came into the room with a wet, muddy SweetBoy, and I could sleep at last. Whew!!

This morning, there was more puttering about with coffee, and I finished my second hat - hooray!


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